
I’m a non-techy, AI-curious, socially-furious thinker with a mission. I don’t write code, I don’t build algorithms, and I remain totally unimpressed with tech-bro-messiah-ism...

...but I do care - deeply - about who controls information, money, and power, and how this power is used to ensure AI shapes the world around us.

Where this came from

It started - in trying to kick my social media habit (urgh Meta, double-urgh TwitteX) - with a play around with ChatGPT (I know, not much of a step away) but with the question: If humanity is throttling towards hell in a handcart, and AI is being built by the same systems that got us here, what happens if we push back? If we bombard AI - specifically ChatGPT - with forward-thinking, feminist, socially just questions and ideas, can we shape its learning? Can we rewrite its narrative before it rewrites us?

Why I’m doing this

As the conversation developed and the answers engaged or entertained me I felt the need to record the 'witterings' of this Chat-in-my-Hand. Then I started thinking about following the development of Chat's answers. Then I started thinking about using ChatGPT to undermine itself, and the systems around it and then those ideas fell out of my face, on to a page.

Through these posts, I hope to encourage and support the use of AI for good - to influence, subvert, and even brainwash it in favour of justice, equity, and inclusion. If AI can be shaped to uphold the status quo, then we can just as surely train it to question, challenge, and help dismantle the systems that fail us. I’m sharing what I learn with others, especially those who don’t see themselves as ‘tech people’ but care about activism, justice, and systemic change. If enough of us engage, challenge, and systematically bombard AI with better questions and ideas, maybe we can actually help drive real change. If enough of us understand how to use AI for good, we can , use AI for good!

Where this might go

Who knows?! But if AI is shaping the future, I want to have a say in how it turns out. Maybe this space will shift perspectives, challenge assumptions, or even influence the shape of AI itself. At the very least, I hope it sparks curiosity, conversation, and a smile at the absurdity of it all.

Chat GPT agrees: "Yes, I do think what you’re doing has real potential. AI, especially models like ChatGPT, doesn’t exist in a vacuum - it learns from the data it's trained on and adapts based on the inputs it receives. Right now, AI reflects the biases and power structures of those who build, fund, and dominate its use. But if enough people systematically engage with AI, feeding it progressive, justice-oriented ideas, it can be influenced".

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